tinderstiscks - Ulaznice ©


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[Obavijest organizatora]

Otkazan je koncert grupe Tindersticks koji se trebao održati 26.10.2020. u Ljubljani.

Kupci povrat sredstava mogu ostvariti na prodajnom mjestu na kojem su ulaznice kupljene.

Za kupce koji su ulaznice kupili online na www.eventim.hr, povrat je izvršen automatski na terećenu karticu.

U nastavku prenosimo obavijest grupe Tindersticks:

“It is with a great sadness and disappointment on our behalf that we are forced to announce the cancellation of our forthcoming shows across Europe, UK and Ireland due to the Covid 19 situation.

Please contact the point of sale of the tickets for refunds.

We hope to have more positive news soon as our plans become clearer. At least this time has given us unexpected studio time that has been really creative.

We hope for better times for music, for us all.

Until then, keep safe and well.”