Florence And The Machine
There are no performances available at the moment.
9 available Fan Reports
Odlicno, ali pretiho
by Talijanka at Pula on 17.06.2023
Odlican koncert, Florence je fenomenalna i zaigrana, zvuci kao na kazeti, al je sve moglo biti malo glasnije. Mogla sam normalno pricati s prijateljima cijelo vrijeme. -
Fenomenalan koncert u ambijentu pulske Arene
by Zoran at Pula on 18.06.2023
Nastupe Florence + the Machine u pulskoj Areni je bio vrhunsko glazbeno i vizualno iskustvo. Bend je bio odličan, a Florence energična i na trenutke nadrealna u svojim izvedbama. Komunikacija sa publikom je bila također vrhunska. Sve u svemu odlično iskustvo i izvrsna cjelokupna organizacija.
Artist description
Dear Madam/Sir
We are sending you service information and a map for Florence + The Machine concert in Arena, Pula on June 18.
There will be two entrances to the Arena:
The entrance exclusively for the FLOOR and people with disabilities will be open from Istarska street.
The entrance exclusively for the TRIBUNE and LAWN will be opened from Ozad Arena street.
Please pay attention to which ticket you have and which entrance you should go to because Partere and Tribune sectors are physically partitioned.
Both entrances open at 18:30/6:30pm.
Bad Daughter's performance starts at 20:30/8:30pm, and Florence + The Machine at 21:30/9:30pm.
There will be few bars inside the Arena where you can pay with cash and cards.
A merch stand and a large bar will be set up in front of the Arena and will be open from the early afternoon.
Enjoy the show!
Lead singer of the band is Florence Welch. Born and raised in Camberwell, south London, Welch attended the workshop for Camberwell College of Arts, where their training in Art Foundation broke off to devote her music career. In the category "Top 20 young music millionaires under 30" in 2011 Florence Welch took 14th place with £ 5 million in the UK.
The addition of "The Machine" refers to the backing by Florence Welch. This may consist of only piano and drums, but mostly more players are involved, including those with which Welch has been working together for a long time. At the moment the band of six other members: Isabella Summers (keyboards and backing vocals), Rob Ackroyd (guitar), Chris Hayden (drums and backing vocals), Mark Saunders (bass guitar and backing vocals), Rusty Bradshaw (keyboards) and Tom Monger (harp ).