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6 available Fan Reports

  1. Očaravajuća glazbenica

    by Danijela Daisy at Split on 11.06.2023

    LP me toliko odusevila da sam danas cijeli dan slušala samo njene pjesme! Božanstven glas, visoki rasponi, nevjerovatno zviždanje, odličan style i performans, zvuk vrhunski i ambijent za poželjeti! Pod vedrim nebom Splita, tocnije na Prokurativama, ova prekrasna glazbenica me je totalno kupila! Tako sam sretna što sam imala priliku ju vidjeti i slušati! LP hvala ti na dolasku u Hrvatsku! Danijela :)
  2. LP koncert Split

    by Ivanche at Split on 11.06.2023

    Savršen koncert savršene glazbenice i njezinog benda, Split mora postati koncertni centar, što više ovakvih koncerata, predlažem Kali Uchis, Maneskin, Labirinth, Billie Eillish, Ariana Grande, Sia itd

Artist description

Laura Pergolizzi  is an American singer and songwriter who performs under the stage name LP. She has released four albums and one EP. She has written songs for other artists including Cher, Rihanna, the Backstreet Boys, Rita Ora and Christina Aguilera.

In May 2012, LP was featured as the Artist of the Week in Vogue magazine.

In June 2016, this song featured in the violent and emotionally charged closing scene of the season four finale of Netflix's original series Orange Is The New Black. In November, the second single, titled "Lost on You", was also released, while LP held a residency at the No Vacancy club.[21] Both songs originate from a collaboration with Mike Del Rio. An EP titled Death Valley was released on June 17, 2016.