
EHF EURO - Free tickets for Arena Zagreb

Croatian Handball Federation has confirmed that the tickets for the main round in Arena Zagreb will be free of charge.

on 12 Dec

Women's EURO 2014  – free tickets for the main round in Arena Zagreb

Free tickets will be distributed on the Arena Zagreb box offices, 14th, 16th and 17th of December from 9am till 9pm. Ticket for the particular day is valid for all the matches at that day. Free tickets can be picked up also for future dates.

Customers who already bought the tickets for Arena Zagreb can enter the Arena Zagreb with that tickets and seat on the chosen seats. After the main round those customers will be entitled to a money refund of ticket price.

The money refund procedure for internet sales:

- money refund on credit/debit card after the main round

- money refund on bank account for the customers who have chosen prepayment option after the main round

The money refund procedure for outlet sales:

- money refund only in the outlet where the tickets have been purchased starting from 18th of December 2014. The customers has to return the original tickets to the outlets.

Eventim d.o.o.
Phone: 060 444 000 (only calls from Croatian networks)