Odgođen je koncert Gojire, koji se trebao održati 31.01.. 2022. u dvorani Dom sportova
Novi datum održavanja još nije poznat, a sve kupljene ulaznice vrijedit će za novi datum kada on bude objavljen. Novi datum biti će poznat uskoro, a odgođeni koncert trebao bi se dogoditi u ljetnim mjesecima.
Povrati će biti mogući kada organizator objavi novi datum koncerta.
"Due to the current Covid restrictions in place across Europe, we are sadly forced to postpone the first leg of the GOJIRA European tour due to start on Mon January 17th 2022 in Helsinki, and ending Wed February 9th 2022 in Bordeaux. We are currently working on rescheduling all postponed shows and plan to announce the new schedule shortly.
Please hold on to your tickets which will be valid for the new dates to be published imminently. We will be back together before you know it to experience the healing power of live music again.
We appreciate your patience and understanding .
Stay safe and healthy.