Andrea Bocelli
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4 available Fan Reports
Andrea Bocelli
by Nikolina at Pula on 16.09.1985
Koncert za pamćenje, godinama mi je velika želja bila prisustvovati koncertu i napokon mi se želja ispunila, oduševljena sam,puna dojmova i emocija. Svakako preporuka svima -
Koncert A. Bocellia
by Margarita Rašin at Pakoštane on 03.08.1955
Koncert je bio fenomenalan, atmosfera fantastična sve je bilo na nivou. U određenim momentima bilo je da se čovjek stvarno naježi od ljepote. prvu večeru smo uživali u Areni a drugu večer u šetnji izvan Arene ,što je isto imalo svoju posebnu draž jednom riječju fenomenalno💯👌
Artist description
Andrea Bocelli is a tenor, who sold the most records worldwide, and is one of the most successful Italian singers who has distinguished himself internationally receiving several awards.
At first, Bocelli sang mainly pop as seen in the albums Bocelli (1995) and Romanza (1997). In the late 1990s he released albums with a classical focus, albums such as Aria - The Opera Album in 1998 and Verdi in 2001, on which he sings arias from operas. In this time, he traveled to the United States for the first time, where he reached high rankings with his albums on the Billboard charts.