Enrique Iglesias - Ulaznice
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Poštovani kupci,
Koncert Enrique Iglesiasa, koji bi se trebao održati 1.12.2019. u Areni Zagreb, otkazan je zbog neispunjenja ugovornih obveza organizatora prema izvođaču. Pored koncerta u Zagrebu otkazani su još koncerti Enrique Iglesiasa u Minsku i Rigi u organizaciji istog organizatora. Organizator je ART BG – MENAGEMENT, Skobelev 7, 1463 Sofija, Bugarska, bugarski porezni broj: BG204636122, hrvatski porezni broj OIB: HR72442621521.
S obzirom da je Eventim kao posrednik prodavao ulaznice u ime i za račun organizatora te da je prema nalogu organizatora ispunio financijske obveze u vezi s prodanim ulaznicama odnosno da je sredstva primljena prodajom tih ulaznica prenio organizatoru odnosno trećim osobama po nalogu organizatora, organizator je dužan osigurati financijska sredstva za povrat tih ulaznica kupcima.
Svjesni smo, kako ova situacija utječe na kupce. Zato smo poduzeli sve u našoj nadležnosti da se u suradnji s agencijom CAA, koja predstavlja Enrique Iglesiasa, angažira novi organizator i da se koncert prebaci na novi datum. Međutim, agencija nije pokazala interes za takav prijedlog, kao ni za povrat novaca koje je Evenitm uplatio direktno produkcijskoj kući Enrique Iglesiasa po nalog organizatora ART BG-MENAGAMENT.
Uvjeravamo vas da nam nije svejedno i da Eventim poduzima i nastaviti će poduzimati sve pravne mjere, kako bismo kupcima otkazanog koncerta omogućili povrat novca. Na žalost do potpunog pravnog i institucionalnog razrješenja nastale situacije ne možemo izvšiti povrat novaca kupcima ulaznica za ovaj otkazani koncert. Sve informacije ćemo pravodobno objaviti na našoj web stranici i društvenim mrežama te direktno emailom kupcima koji su kupovali ulaznice preko našeg web shopa.
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, molimo kontaktirajte nas primarno na info@eventim.hr ili našu korisničku podršku na 060 555 000 (Poziv iz fiksne mreže 3,49kn/min, poziv iz mobilne mreže 4,78kn/min. Operator usluge: Skynet Telekomunikacije d.o.o.).
Vaš Eventim
Dear customers,
The Enrique Iglesias concert, scheduled to take place on December 1, 2019 at the Zagreb Arena, has been cancelled due to the promoter's failure to fulfill contractual obligations towards the performer. In addition to the Zagreb concert, the Enrique Iglesias concerts in Minsk and Riga, organized by the same promoter, were called off. The concrete promoter is ART BG - MENAGEMENT, Skobelev 7, 1463 Sofia, Bulgaria, BG204636122, OIB HR72442621521.
Eventim d.o.o. (hereinafter Eventim), as an intermediary, was selling tickets on behalf of said promoter.
By the request from the promoter, Eventim transferred to the promoter and third parties the proceeds from the ticket sale and therefore fulfilled the financial obligations in connection with the sold tickets, i.e. given that Eventim transferred the proceeds from the sale of tickets to the promoter and third parties appointed by the promoter, the promoter is under obligation to refund the tickets to the customers.
We are aware that this situation is affecting customers and we fully sympathize with everyone. We can assure you that we do care and that Eventim is taking and will continue to take all legal measures to provide customers of the cancelled concert with a refund.
That is why we have done everything within our competence to find a new promoter in cooperation with the CAA agency, which represents Enrique Iglesias, and to move the concert to a new date. However, the agency showed no interest in such proposal, nor in the refund of the proceeds transferred by Eventim directly to the Enrique Iglesias production company at the request of the promoter, i.e. ART BG-MENAGAMENT. We can assure you that we do care and that Eventim is taking and will continue to take all legal measures to provide customers of the cancelled concert a refund. Unfortunately, until the legal and institutional resolution of this situation is complete, we cannot issue refunds to the customers of the cancelled concert. Upon receiving a legal resolution, the resolution will be posted on our website www.eventim.hr, social networks and emailed directly to customers who have purchased tickets through our web shop.
If you have any questions, please contact us primarily at info@eventim.hr.