Goran Bare i Majke  - Tickets

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1 available Fan Reports

  1. Baretov blues

    by Irena at Karlovac on 06.05.2023

    Uz Majke devedesetih smo odrastali, na početku zadnje turneje u Karlovcu smo se zagrijavali i na kraju s veseljem u blagdanskom raspoloženju iščekujemo spektakl u Areni, Bare i Majke hvala vam za sve ❤️ Zapalimo Arenu 🔥🔥 sve dok gori fantastična vatra, ja sam slobodan… Volimo vas 💋 Budi ponosan … 🎼🎤

Artist description

Goran Bare is a Croatian musician famous for being the founder and main vocalist of the rock band Majke from Vinkovci.
In 1980, when he was 15 years old, his friend Marin Pokrovac (the future guitarist in Majke) and he start “Duo debili” and hold their first bigger performance. In that period, he came into contact with hard drugs which strongly influenced his next 15 years.

In the end of 1984, Bare started the band Majke. First studio recordings, performances, critiques and radio releases follow. In 1987, Majke recorded their first promo material numbering 14 songs titled “Majke zauvijek”.

The increased frequency of their performances and good reviews came to a pause in February 1989 when Bare’s closest friends tragically died in a car crash: the guitarist, Marin Pokrovac, Goran Matošević – Bratanac and Pavao Pap.

After six years of playing, Majke record their first true album “Razum i bezumlje” in 1990, which was named the best rock album of the year. Just when everything was ready for a final success, the war broke out, and so did the original Majke and they never reunited.

In 1991, Bare records a solo mini album under the pseudonym Hali Gali Halid: a sort of mixture of garage rock, psychedelic and folk music. In 1992 he regrouped the new Majke together with Korozija, the original Majke’s drummer and that summer they record the second album called “Razdor”. After curing himself of addiction in 1999, he disbands Majke and performs solo and with his supporting group Plaćenici.

In 2007, after eight years of pause, together with Kilmister, Zoki, Kruno and Alen Tibljaš, he prepares for a big comeback concert of Majke, in 2008, they release the live album “Unplugged” and start to play again in whole of Croatia. In 2011, Majke release the album “Teške boje”, the best Croatian rock album in the last several years. In 2012, Goran Bare and Majke were nominated for 11 Porin awards. They won six.