Jelena Rozga

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22 available Fan Reports

  1. JR koncert Arena 17.12

    by Ana at Osijek on 27.02.1985

    Odličnan koncert, atmosfera od povetka do kraja, produkcija, plesači, Jelena ma sve....jedna od najboljih koncerata ove godine na kojima sam bila i ponovila bih opet. Poz iz Osijeka
  2. Vise od ocekivanja!

    by Melvin Suskic at Arena Zagreb on 17.12.2022

    Koncert je bio i vise nego profesionalno pripremljen ali i sa puno naklonosti publici odradjen. Kapa do poda Jeleni i njenom cjelokupnom timu! Dolazimo zasigurno i na sljedeci. Pozdrav!

Artist description

Jelena Rozga is a Croatian pop singer known for her collaboration with the group Magazin.

As a singer of Magazin, she achieved great popularity, and with her performance on the Dora competition in 2006, she opened up a solo career with songs like “Oprosti mala” and “Ne zovi me Marija” which soon became great hits.

Her success she affirmed in 2007 on the Split festival where she won the Grand prix with the song “Gospe moja”. The song “Daj šta daš” was pronounced the most listened to song of 2008.

On the Split festival in 2010, Jelena performed with the song “Bižuterija” and the song became the hit of the summer for which she was awarded the “Porin” award. The album soon became the most sold and was awarded a golden label by its record label.