
Obavijest: Rage Against the Machine, Arena Zagreb

O nastavku prodaje

on 26 Apr

Poštovani kupci,

Zbog izuzetno velikog interesa za kupnju ulaznica za koncert Rage Against the Machine u Areni Zagreb, došlo je do usporenja procesuiranja narudžbi kod plaćanja kreditnim i debitnim karticama. Kako bismo omogućili našim kupcima zadovoljavajući nivo usluge privremeno smo prisiljeni obustaviti prodaju ulaznica za navedeni događaj. ULAZNICE NISU RASPRODANE i prodaja će biti ponovno pokrenuta danas u 14:00 sati. Ispričavamo se zbog nastalih poteškoća.


Dear customers,

Due to the great interest in buying tickets for the Rage Against the Machine concert at the Zagreb Arena, there has been a slowdown in the processing of orders by credit and debit cards. In order to provide our customers with a satisfactory level of service, we are temporarily forced to suspend ticket sales for this event. TICKETS ARE NOT SOLD OUT and the sale will be restarted today at 2 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Eventim d.o.o.